cast iron photography

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BW: Day 3

Whoopsiedaisy!  I gave myself the weekend off, and apparently this weekend included Monday.  I love accidental three day weekends, haha!

Here's my third photo in a five photo series, taken with an incredible, one-of-a-kind phone.  Ha!   The best camera is the one you have with you, right?

I took this photo when I visited some of my favorite people last fall in Phoenix.  Blake and Stancy live in AZ now, as Dr. Blake is completing his residency.  Said residency (and the preceding years in med school) eats up social time (apparently the education involved in maintaining and saving lives is super intense). I was medium-pregnant and wanted to take the chance to see them while I could.  

Stancy and I went up to the hospital while Blake was working, and I demanded a sonogram.  Kinda kidding, but it actually worked out.  We crowded into a room that I'm pretty sure people usually sleep in, and I bared my belly to my friends and several highly-trained strangers, and we looked at my sweet little girl.  

It was precious.  She was sucking her thumb and generally acting like a genius, and Blake showed the highly-trained strangers just how awesome my kid was.  It was this weird full-circle moment, where two of my closest friends from college (and beyond, duh) were getting to be a part of this next huge stage.

It was less about babies, for a minute, and more about friends and love and gooshyhappy. 

Those days are nice.