cast iron photography

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Kambri | 2015 Senior

One of my GORGEOUS WONDERFUL HILARIOUS SMART TALENTED FANTABULOUS senior models, Kambri, wanted to go ahead and get her senior portraits done before school starts.  She's a busy lady, and between golf, cross country, track, and her fancy schmancy dual credit college courses, she figured the year might get away from her if she didn't go ahead and jump on it.  Case in point:  we took these photos first thing in the morning, but she'd already gotten her workout in and had to hustle to make it to work on time.  Hashtag she's got it together.

Anyways, I LOVE these photos, y'all.  Her style is way too cute, and the light was spot-on as well.  Kambri sent me a few photos from my blog so I would know what locations she liked, so it was easy work getting around town.  

Have a great senior year, Kambri!  It goes way too fast.  And way too slow.  It's a paradox.  Like most good things.