cast iron photography

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Sarah: Senior

Sarah is a DEAR.  I'm not the person in the world who knows her the best, but I'm glad to be amongst those who know her well enough to know this:  she's silly.  Like yelling like a monkey silly.  She thinks deeply and critically.  She's not afraid to cry, and definitely not afraid to laugh while she's crying.  Smart? Yes.  Driven? Yes.  Self-aware? Quite.  

This session was a trade-off, actually.  I wrote a story for (and actually with--he helped!) my youngest brother a couple years ago, and as the story was very important to both of us, wanted to print him a copy as a "real book" for Christmas.  I asked Sarah--a former student--if she'd illustrate the story for me as a trade off for her senior photos.  I don't think either of us realized how much work she'd need to put into the illustrations, but the end result was incredible, and Anthony LOVES his book.  I was thrilled to get to do these photos as a favor back for Sarah--and everything--truly everything--about this session was just a ton of fun.