Gabbert Family: New Baby!
Oh my GRACIOUS is this little girl a) perfect, and b) blessed to be in such a beautiful family.
I worked with her parents a few years back at a local high school, so when little baby E's dad first got in touch about grabbing some newborn photos, I was thrilled to reconnect and see how the family had grown up. BOY HOWDY had they! How is it that four-year-olds become so big so fast...and suddenly claim to be halfway through elementary school? I don't buy it.
Anyhow, in-home newborn/family sessions are my favorite. We skip the props and nakey-posing (which are so sweet, but not my wheelhouse) and go straight for snuggles and quilts. It's as an accurate representation of those first few weeks as we can get without doing a night-cam to spy on all the midnight adventures the wee ones necessitate. And, I'm in and out of your home in (hopefully about) an hour--enough time for your kids to get comfortable with me, but not so long as to disrupt your schedule.
Enjoy this sweet, sweet family!