cast iron photography

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Hannah: Senior

I essentially grew up in the small town where we shot these photos--but geeze Louise I'd never seen some of these spots!  Hannah and her mom took on the scouting challenge for her senior photos, and they hit it out of the park--but I figured they would.  Hannah's dad and my husband have worked together this school year, and as I've gotten to know these ladies a little bit better, I haven't come across a single thing I don't love about them--so their excellent taste came as no surprise!  

Hannah's the oldest sibling in her family, and I know her graduation is going to bring about plenty of big changes for all of them, but it was so fun to hear the confidence her mom spoke with about Hannah's future.  This girl is locked, loaded, and ready for the next step.

Give me a shout if you're ready to learn more about booking a session yourself!  I promise it'll be fun and I'll be the dorkiest dork present.